A Tenuous Relationship with Truth
Back in early June, Simcha Fisher posted an appeal on Facebook asking for donations to help pay for Donna Provencher’s lawyer, so she could fight her defamation case. In the course of this plea, Simcha asserted: For reference: The guy suing Donna for defamation is the same guy who said Adele Chapline Smith made up her rape to cover up bad grades. Let’s start by being perfectly clear: Simcha included this detail in order to discredit the plaintiff. Immediately before giving this background (“For reference . . .”) she asserted categorically that “there is no merit to his claim. She [Donna] did not defame him.” And immediately after, she asserted, just as categorically, “The purpose of the lawsuit is to harass and intimidate her, and to discourage further advocacy for rape victims.” We let it slide at the time. (We have lots of material, and we didn’t want to be the first to publish the plaintiff’s name--but Donna and NCR broke the silence so now we can.) But this week, ...